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FabricAID's SALAD upcycling brand just launched in style at an exclusive fashion event on the rooftop of Abdali Boulevard in Amman. The genderless, sustainable clothing collection boasts high-end design solutions that make use of upcycled men's suits and deadstock fabrics, making it a perfect fit for the eco-conscious fashion lovers.

But the fashion show was more than just a runway event. Attendees were treated to a music and dance-filled show featuring original tracks by local celebrities like Jordanian producer Nasir al Bashir, actress and singer Yara Al Mustafa, and The Voice winner Lina Makoul. The show was a smashing success, thanks to the collaborative efforts of various partners who shared in the brand's vision for sustainable fashion.

Lina Makhoul, SALAD, Wear SALAD

SALAD's unique pieces are created in an ISO-certified upcycling facility in Beirut, where highly trained professionals carefully dismantle and rework unwanted suits into contemporary, ready-to-wear designs. And best of all, 100% of the proceeds from SALAD sales support FabricAID's sustainability efforts, which focus on optimizing the collection, sorting, upcycling, and resale of second-hand clothing through socially conscious and sustainable brands.

As Farah Hourani, Brand Manager for SALAD, puts it, "When visions align, synergies are cultivated and beautiful things happen." With the successful launch of SALAD, it's clear that this vision for sustainable, stylish fashion is shared by many.

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